iTunes and RSS subscription options for the Green HPC podcast series

I’m grateful for the interest that you’ve already expressed in’s Green HPC podcast series. Several of you have sent me messages asking for a way to subscribe to the podcast feed directly.

Since this is a one-off series I had decided not to pursue direct syndication of it through iTunes, but I think that was probably a mistake. So I’ve managed to find enough tape and baling wire to revive parts of the old insideHPC Weekly and Daily Takeout news programs and use that infrastructure to allow you to subscribe to the Green HPC series. It doesn’t have the fit and finish of the typical insideHPC effort right now, but I’ll get all that cleaned up soon.

In the meantime, the feeds do work and, yes, you can get to the podcasts through the iTunes store. So, point your favorite podcatcher (iTunes or whatever you use) at these links, and new episodes will come flying to you over the interwebs as if by magic (and this includes Episode 1 — I jiggered it to go back and pick up that episode).

Link to the series in the iTunes store (clicking this link launches iTunes and takes you to the Weekly/Daily Takeout podcast page; just click subscribe and the series episodes will show up in iTunes automatically as they are published).

Podcast RSS feed for use with your own RSS reader or podcatcher