Tech-X, yesterday, announced the latest release of their GPULib scientific library. With this release, v1.2.0, they have included substational refactoring of and enhancements to the MATLAB interface. This release also provides additional GPU computing capability for those MATLAB users leveraging the computing capacity of the GPU. From the release:
GPULib provides a library of mathematical functions that facilitate the use of high performance computing resources available on modern graphics processing units (GPUs) by engineers, scientists, analysts, and other technical professionals with minimal modification to their existing programs. This software library executes vectorized mathematical functions on graphics processing units (GPUs) from NVIDIA, bringing high-performance numerical operations to everyday desktop computers. By providing bindings for a number of Very High Level Languages (VHLLs) including MATLAB and IDL from ITT Visual Information Solutions, GPULib can accelerate new applications or be incorporated into existing applications with minimal effort. No knowledge of GPU programming and memory management is required. Speedup factors of 10x to 40x are typically realized in IDL and MATLAB applications.
For more info on GPULib, check out the development page at Tech-X here.