Intel's Facebook-based parallel computing project

This week Intel announced the beta release of a new application for Facebook that lets users donate their unused cycles to further research through computing tasks. Think Seti@Home for the the social networking crowd. From an article at ComputerWeekly

Intel logoIntel’s Facebook peer-to-peer application, Progress Thru Processors, allows users to donate their PCs’ unused processor power to research projects such as Rosetta@home, which uses the additional computing power to help find cures for cancer and other diseases such as HIV and Alzheimer’s.

In addition to Rosetta@home, Progress Thru Processors participants can choose to contribute excess processor computing power to the research efforts of and Africa@home.

Facebook users can find the application at the Progress Thru Processors on Facebook.


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  3. […] John West wrote an interesting post today onIntel's <b>Facebook</b>-based parallel computing project | insideHPC.comHere’s a quick excerpt […]