Oracle-Sun deal passes US anti-trust test

Quick news from Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Register that the Sun acquisition has passed the anti-trust sniff test, as expected

Sun logoThe $5.6bn takeover of Sun Microsystems by Oracle moved another step toward closing as the US Department of Justice has given the acquisition its nod.

That’s not the last wicket, however. The acquisition still has to be blessed by the EU

Two weeks ago, the antitrust authorities at the European Commission launched their own investigation into the Sun takeover. The Competition Commission said that it would examine the Oracle-Sun deal under the EU Merger Regulation and said it has 25 days (starting from July 30) to decide if it can clear the deal or open up a more in-depth investigation that takes 90 working days. The current deadline for a decision by the EU is September 3, but as we pointed out above, that can be extended.