TheRegister: Platform Computing recently surveyed a series of company CIO’s and IT managers in order to calibrate their market focus in cloud computing. Platform has been keen to evolve with the marketplace, rather than sticking to their original batch roots. The results of the survey from ISC in Dresden, Germany were released today. Of the 103 individuals polled, 28% indicated that they would deploy some sort of private cloud this year. Given the pool of respondents, its not surprised that 67% said they were going to use the clouds to run simulation and modeling apps.
The remainder of the polling results came up with the following:
- 32% said they would use clouds to support web services [a natural fit]
- 18% said they would use clouds to perform business analytics
- 26% said that the complexity of managing a private cloud was a barrier to adoption
- 21% said security was an issue
- 8% said upfront costs were an issue
- 8% said software licenses a roadblock to adoption
For more info, read the full report here at TheRegister.
Interesting poll results. The company I work for recently did a poll of150 IT executives and found many similiar results. Here are some of the highlights:
75% of respondents said management at their companies has made cloud computing a priority.
95% of respondents rate cloud computing either a “radical shift” in how technology services are provided or say it will have a “definite impact.”
55% of respondents estimated that 40-80% or more of their IT services will be
delivered from a cloud computing platform once it is implemented in their organization.
You can download the full report online at