AMAX Delivers First Tesla Cluster in China

AMAX, a server and storage manufacturer in North America, has announced the first successful deployment of an NVIDIA Tesla cluster in China.  The new machine was installed at the College of Ocean and Earth Science at Tongji University.  The target workload will be a series of revolutionary research projects focused on geophysics and reflection seismology led by Professor Zaitian Ma.  The project will explore seismic wave propagation in complex media theory and numerical simulation, three dimensional seismic migration imaging of complex media, and multi-component seismic data processing and interpretation.

AMAX is proud to partner with Tongji University’s College of Ocean and Earth Science, to deploy the best-in-class, high performance Tesla GPU cluster solution that addresses their most demanding HPC applications and I/O requirements,” says James Huang, Product Marketing Manager at AMAX. “Our Tesla GPU cluster represents one of the most significant product innovations in the high-performance computing industry, and we strongly believe that the College will be at the forefront of the industry’s technology research, fully utilizing the unprecedented performance delivered by AMAX’s Tesla GPU cluster.

For more info on the new AMAX Telsa deployment in China, check out their full release here.