Intelligent Light Releases FieldView 12.2

Intelligent Light has announced the latest release of their CFD post-processing suite, FieldView.  Version 12.2 enhances the built-in user workflows and adds Windows HPC Server 2008 support.  For folks already running mainstream CFD solver packages, FieldView can integrate very closely with ANSYS and CD-adapco.  The result is a tool that can utilize the same parallel processing hardware for complex post processing and analysis workflows.

FieldView 12.2 makes the speed and performance of parallel processing widely accessible, for large HPC users and multi-core workstation users alike,” said Matthew Godo, Ph.D., FieldView product manager. “High-performance computing continues to evolve rapidly, but the resources available to individual users vary significantly. A much broader audience can now experience FieldView’s renowned ease of use and powerful presentation and visualization capabilities, and capture the benefits of embedding their best practices in customized, automated workflows. Customers at every level of computing can realize tremendous gains in productivity and efficiency with FieldView 12.2.”

For more info on all the new features in FieldView 12.2, read their full release here.