This week Oak Ridge Associated Universities announced a call for university researcher and student teams to apply for grants of both processor time and access to ORNL’s HPC expertise
The competitive grant program, open to ORAU’s 97 member institutions, provides potential funding of up to $75,000 for three years, allowing participant teams the opportunity to take full advantage of ORNL’s ultrascale computing resources for scientific discovery in any discipline.
…Jeff Nichols, ORNL’s interim associate lab director for scientific computing, noted that in order for substantial advances to be made in scientific discovery, university contributions through joint research collaborations such as this program are a must. “ORAU is an integrator of knowledge and capabilities across a broad range of research institutions in their consortium,” said Nichols. “Their leadership in engaging graduate and undergraduate students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty for this type of scientific discovery through advanced computing is critical.”
Deadline for applications is Sep 30, so you’d better get on the stick.