Ohio Universities Add Computational Science Minor

Ohio University and Miami [of Ohio] University have been added to an education program tied to the Ohio Supercomputing Center.  The Ralph Regula School of Computational Science said the two respective universities have signed on to offer students a minor in computational science.  The new discipline entails applying computing to scientific and engineering problems.

OSC now has thirteen participating members in the program, which was named after retired longtime congressman.  The program was launched in 2005 by the Ohio Board of Regents to boost Ohio’s computational science work force.  NSF funding the creation of the minor.

Very cool stuff!  It always warms my heart to see more and more universities recognize computational sciences as a legitimately needed and in many cases, required for a successful career in one’s respective field of study.  My hat goes off to those at OSC, OU and Miami for putting the program together.  For more info, check out the RRSCS website here.


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