SC09, the high performance computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis conference happening this November in Portland, OR, is talking about its bio-computing thrust today. The conference is focusing on three thematic areas this year: bio-computing, the 3D Internet (featuring a talk by Intel CTO Justin Rattner), and sustainability (featuring a talk by former US Vice President Albert Gore).
Today’s release includes a list of speakers
- Deepak Singh, Business Development Manager at Amazon and noted expert on cloud computing and other new technology strategies: Big Data and Biology: The Implications of Petascale Science.
- David Haussler, professor of biomolecular engineering and leader of the Genome Bioinformatics Group at the University of California, Santa Cruz: The Supercomputing Challenge to Decode the Evolution and Diversity of Our Genomes.
- Jonathan Silverstein, professor of surgery and associate director of the Computation Institute of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory: Grid Technology Transforming Healthcare.
Also, as part of the bio-computing thrust, the Department of Energy’s Genomic Science Program will be hosting a workshop called Using Clouds for Parallel Computations in Systems Biology. There is lots of other stuff going on in this thrust, including presentations on HPC in the fight against swine flu and modeling of blood flow dynamics.
More information on the SC09 Thrusts page.