There are a couple thousand insideHPC subscribers each day who only get the news from this site via RSS and email (of course, you can also follow us on Twitter or fan us on Facebook). These are great options, but they do miss out on features of the site that don’t get syndicated, like special announcements or the “Most Read” and “Most Commented” sidebars. To make some of this content accessible to those readers who don’t regularly visit the actual web page, I’m going to start a “What to Read” post each week that will go out on the feeds to give these readers a taste of what’s going on in the non-syndicated features of the site, and (possibly) give you a reason to check in with us at least a couple times a week.
Wondering what to read this week on insideHPC? Some of the most popular posts this week are:
- A reader project to list the known multi-PFLOPS machines,
- Oracle plans to talk up Sun hardware,
- Greening datacenters in historic buildings,
- PGI tutorial on GPU programming coming this November,