NVIDIA and VSG Accelerate Oil & Gas Exploration

nvidiaNVIDIA and Visualization Sciences Group [VSG], today, announced the latest release of the Open Inventor 3D Graphics toolkit.  The latest release will employ NVIDIA’s CompleX scene-scaling acceleration engine, which enables the visualization and manipulation of huge data sets.  Oil and Gas data sets most certainly fit that description.  Release 8.1 of Open Inventor allows 3D applications to fully scale across multiple GPUs on an NVIDIA Quadro Plex-powered graphics system.

This innovative package makes it possible to manipulate and access massive scenes in a practical, efficient way,” said Jean Bernard Cazeaux, CEO of VSG. “An application powered by Open Inventor 8.1 with CompleX running on a Quadro Plex system delivers a smoother, faster frame rate, and offers a much more interactive experience for engineers and geophysicists when viewing a seismic dataset of 100 million triangles. Without it, the performance would be unbearably slow.”

The value of NVIDIA application acceleration engines integrated into software like Open Inventor and powered by Quadro professional solutions is incredibly significant to the oil and gas industry,” said Jeff Brown, general manager, NVIDIA Professional Solutions Group. “Geophysicists can perform large-scale visualization faster and with greater precision — meaning they can discover new energy reserves more rapidly and cost effectively than ever before.”

Open Inventor is an object-oriented, cross platform toolkit for developers using C++, .NET and/or Java.  For more info, read the full release here.


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