Quick study on Fortress

You may recall that one of the things that came of of Sun’s failed bid in the DARPA HPCS program is Fortress, Sun’s proposed parallel programming language. Josh Simons posted a slide deck that intros Fortress up on his blog at Sun’s web site

Sun logoI gave a short talk about Fortress, a new parallel language, at the Sun HPC Workshop in Regensburg, Germany and thought I’d post the slides here with commentary. Since I’m certainly not a Fortress expert by any stretch of the imagination, my intent was to give the audience a feel for the language and its origins rather than attempt a deep dive in any particular area. Christine Flood from the SunLabs Programming Languages Research Group helped me with the slides. I also stole liberally from presentations and other materials created by other Fortress team members.

I’m basically willing to listen to a talk from anybody who admits up front to stealing liberally from other presentations. Yay honesty.