Submit your work now to a special J. Supercomputing issue on green HPC

HPCwire posted a news release last week about an upcoming issue of the Journal of Supercomputing focused on energy-efficient HPC

…The above mentioned trends alone are increasing electricity usage in large-scale computing systems, such as datacenters, computational grids, and cloud computing. This increase in electricity utilization has reached to a point that many information technology managers are all up in arms to identify a holistic solution that can reduce electricity consumption (so that the total cost of operation is minimized) of their respective large-scale computing systems and simultaneously improve upon or maintain the current throughput of the system.

The editors are looking for contributions in the following areas

  • Energy Efficient Resource Allocation
  • Energy Efficient Multi-Agent Systems
  • Energy Saving Architectures
  • Energy Efficient Schedulers
  • Power-Down Techniques
  • Energy Standards
  • Virtualization Methodologies

Submissions are close, though, so you’re research probably needs to be “shovel ready”: the submission deadline is October 15, 2009. The editors of this special issue are Pascal Bouvry, University of Luxembourg, Thomas Engel, University of Luxembourg, and Samee U. Khan, North Dakota State University. Submissions can be made at