LBL adds new iDataPlex to study cloud computing

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Over the email transom today, news that Lawrence Berkeley Lab is using funds form the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to add an IBM System x iDataPlex to the lab’s compute resources to help understand how cloud computing may be able to help speed scientific discovery

IBM logoThe program, dubbed Magellan, is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The Magellan system will be a test bed for National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division (NERSC) scientists to explore the effectiveness of cloud computing for their particular research problems. Ultimately, the project will benefit society by allowing scientists to accelerate discoveries in such disciplines as energy efficiency, climate change and genomics.

The Magellan Project will use IBM’s newest iDataPlex dx360 M2 server, which features double the memory and even higher power efficiency than previous versions. Harnessing iDataPlex’s innovative half-depth design and liquid-cooled door, clients can lower cooling costs by as much as half and reduce floor space requirements by 30 percent.

…The Magellan research team will deploy a large cloud test bed with 5,760 processor cores on iDataPlex to evaluate a variety of DOE scientific applications, from power grid simulations to nanoparticle analysis and analyzing climate change data.

More about Magellan here.


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  2. […] written about the DOE’s Magellan clouds-for-science experiment before (here and here). It’s not a new thing, but Federal Computing Week is talking about some early […]