[CORRECTION]: When I read this news I automatically equated “sustainability” with the environmental kind, not the funding kind. As Henry pointed out in a comment, I was wrong on this point. The workshop is actually about the business sustainability of HPC centers in their organizationalcontext. My apologies.
Cornell University announced on Friday that they’ll be hosting a National Science Foundation-sponsored “Workshop on High Performance Computing Center Sustainability” from May 3-5, 2010
…to provide a forum for an open discussion among HPC center directors, campus information officers, and campus research officers on the topic of the sustainability of research computing centers. The discussion will yield a shared understanding of organizational, funding, management, and training models that result in sustainable research computing centers.
More info at the link. You can’t just go, though: if you want in you’ll have to submit a position paper (of no more than 3 pages) and hope you are one of the lucky 75 picked. Papers are due January 15, 2010.
Sorry about the confusion. In this context, sustainability refers to the ability to keep an HPC center funded, not whether the HPC center is green.
Henry – I apologize for the misread. Having just returned from SC I am conditioned to think green, and I perhaps read your news to quickly. I’ll amend the post.