The University of Pittsburgh’s McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine has been awarded a Shared University Award [SUR] from IBM. The award will provide hardware, software and services to Pitt in support of its ‘in-silico’ biological research. The methods of which utilize computer simulations to explore biological pathways and test therapeutic interventions.
Dr. Yoram Vodovotz, professor of surgery at Pitt’s School of Medicine, director of the Center for Inflammation and Regenerative Modeling (CIRM) at the McGowan Institute, and principal investigator for the IBM SUR grant, is studying the role of immune system-regulated inflammatory pathways in a variety of conditions. Inflammation is involved in many, and perhaps most, diseases affecting both industrialized and developing societies.
Dr. Vodovotz and the McGowan Institute are using IBM technology and computer simulations in support of groundbreaking regenerative medicine,” said Bernie Meyerson, vice president of innovation and global university programs, IBM. “This award is yet another example of IBM and the University working to help build a smarter planet. The McGowan Institute’s efforts are truly transformational, world-changing research.”
But to make the next set of quantum leaps, we require a computational foundation and related resources, which we call the Platform for Innovative Translational Modeling-Assisted Projects, or PITMAP,” Dr. Vodovotz said.
The award includes an IBM Power 575 water-cooled machine currently being deployed at Pitt. The University of Pittsburgh’s new Power 575 system will assist researchers working on projects in multiple geographic locations, using a cloud computing interface. IBM also stocked the solution with WebSphere middleware, DB2 database software, Rational development software, and Cognos software for collaboration and data.
For more info, read the full release here.