Reader Jeff S. sent me an email today letting me know that hwloc (part of the Open MPI effort) has been revved to 0.9.3. From the announcement on hwloc-announce
hwloc provides command line tools and a C API to obtain the hierarchical map of key computing elements, such as: NUMA memory nodes, shared caches, processor sockets, processor cores, and processor “threads”. hwloc also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information, and is portable across a variety of different operating systems and platforms.
hwloc v0.9.3 is a bug fix release. The following is a summary of changes as compared to v0.9.2:
* Fix to work with Autoconf 2.63.
* Fix various crashes in particular conditions:
– xml files with root attributes
– offline CPUs
– partial sysfs support
– unparseable /proc/cpuinfo
– ignoring NUMA level while Misc level have been generated
* Tweak documentation a bit
* Do not require the pthread library for binding the current thread on Linux
* Do not erroneously consider the sched_setaffinity prototype is the old version when there is actually none.
* Fix _syscall3 compilation on archs for which we do not have the sched_setaffinity system call number.
* Fix AIX binding.
* Fix libraries dependencies: now only lstopo depends on libtermcap, fix binutils-gold link
* Have make check always build and run hwloc-hello.c
* Do not limit size of a cpuset.
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