Computer science is where the jobs are

Ed Lazowska over at the CCC blog has a post teasing some CS-related perspective out of the most recent recent US Bureau of Labor Statistics job forecast. The category that includes computer science jobs is projected to grow the most between now and 2018, and specifically the “Computer and mathematical” occupations group will grow by 22.2%.

But here’s the kicker: according to the BLS report, CS jobs are expected “to account for nearly 60% of all job growth between now and 2018.”

Looking at all science and engineering occupations — “Computer and mathematical,” “Architecture and engineering,” and “Life, physical, and social science” — computer science occupations are projected to be responsible for nearly 60% of all job growth between now and 2018.  The next largest contributor — all fields of Engineering combined — is projected to contribute 13.4% of total growth.  All of the life sciences combined:  5.6%.  All of the physical sciences combined:  3.1%.  In other words, among all occupations in all fields of science and engineering, computer science occupations are projected to account for nearly 60% of all job growth between now and 2018.

While there have been questions about the accuracy of the BLS’s methods in the past, this is at least a datapoint.


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