Deadline for comments on Euro computing plan approaching

The latest version of the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group’s (e-IRG) Roadmap is out, and the authors are looking for your input:

The importance of e‑Infrastructures for European research, innovation and competitiveness is now almost universally acknowledged. Sustainable and integrated networking, grid, data, high performance and commodity computing services will become essential tools for 40 million users in research and academia in Europe. The ongoing expansion of the e‑Infrastructure user communities is already producing new and updated requirements for the common e‑Infrastructure. The link between leading-edge research activities and the e‑Infrastructure supporting them has been identified as an area where considerable socioeconomic benefits can be realised.

To support its mission, the e-IRG develops roadmap documents providing a view of the technical, administrative and socioeconomic issues related to e-Infrastructures supporting European research. The current version of the roadmap was produced in 2009. It looks into the new e-Infrastructure landscape that is being formed by new user communities, and presents sustainable service provision models and fundamental changes in the underlying technology base. Rather than looking at these changes independently, the document tries to analyse their impact from the point of view of the users, service providers and the society as a whole. The document also contains several recommendations aimed at maximising the positive socioeconomic impact of new innovation opportunities that are opening up.

The deadline for comments is Jan 31. And here’s a brush up for you from the e-IRG’s web site on what they’re all about

The main objective of the e-Infrastructure initiative is to support the creation of a political, technological and administrative framework for an easy and cost-effective shared use of distributed electronic resources across Europe. Particular attention is directed towards grid computing, storage, and networking.