The National Science Foundation has opened the flood gates for the latest round of TeraGrid allocations proposals. This round of quarterly allocations that will span cycle time for April 2010 to March 2011.
TeraGrid is a partnership between NSF’s Office of Cyberinfrastructure and 11 government, educational and research facilities that make computing time available on 20 supercomputing platforms. It is supported by grid software and high-performance network connections, and provides data storage and management resources, as well as access to the computers themselves. Total current resources exceed 2 petaflops (2,000 trillion floating point operations per second) combined processing power and 60 petabytes of online and archival storage.
Allocation proposals are due by Jan 15th. In December of 2009, the allocations committee divied out over 200 million hours of cycle time and nearly 1PB of storage to over 100 different research teams.
For more info, read the full article here.