TeraGrid conference call for papers

Late last week the submission site for papers to be considered for presentation at TeraGrid’10, the 2010  edition of the all things TeraGrid conference, went live. From the CFP web site

The TeraGrid’10 conference will showcase the capabilities, achievements, and impact of the TeraGrid in research and education, and provide information and training to enable current and future users to achieve maximum impact using TeraGrid resources.

Both papers and abstracts can be submitted for the Science, Technology, Gateways, and Education tracks, with accepted peer-reviewed papers being published in conference proceedings, which will be stored in the ACM digital library. Abstracts can be submitted for all other parts of the conference. All interested individuals and organizations are invited to participate.

Abstracts and papers due May 10, acceptance notifications on May 28. The conference is August 2-5 in Pittsburgh.