Pune, India-based Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-Dac) is designing and developing some new technology for their upcoming PARAM supercomputer. The new machine will be ready by 2012 and is expected to break the Petaflop barrier.
he total investment to design and develop a brand new high speed petaflop PARAM supercomputer will be over Rs 1,000 crore,” Rajan T Joseph, director general, C-Dac, told Financial Chronicle. The cost of its maintenance alone will be between Rs 20 and Rs 25 lakh a day, he added.
We will compete with the Americans in this supercomputing technology and offer it at a cheaper rate for the world market,” scientist SP Dixit, director of C-Dac and principal investigator of high performance computing centre, leading the 150 team of scientists, said.
According to Hemant Darbari, executive director of C-Dac, the biggest challenge is overcoming the huge power consumption. The current system at C-Dac, Yuva, requires roughly 1MW of power for 54Tflops.
The PARAM supercomputing with petaflop speed needs a separate power station as it requires 20 mw to run it,” [Darbari] said.
For more info, read the source article here.
only one thing i can say the PARAM new india supercomputer ‘s going to break the petaflop barrier by 2012 !excellence keep go up with, congratulation india scientists.