EPA closing in on Energy Star for datacenters launch

An article in Computerworld last week covers recent progress the EPA has made as it gets ready for the launch of its Energy Star program aimed at datacenters in June

The goals of the program are to give organizations a greater incentive to improve the energy efficiency of their data centers, and to give them a way to track the results of efficiency initiatives over time, said Alexandra Sullivan, an EPA program engineer who described the effort at a recent green IT conference.

Data centers that participate in the EPA program will use an online tool that ranks their efficiency on a scale of 1 to 100. Those that score 75 or higher can request an audit from the EPA, which awards qualified organizations the Energy Star certification.

The EPA has already said that part of its ranking will be based on the PUE, one of the two primary datacenter power efficiency metrics advocated by The Green Grid, so you might want to start reading up if you plan to get your datacenter a big Energy Star.


  1. I read an article recently that said this Energy Star certification for data centers will not end up being legitimate or respectable. I wholeheartedly disagree. I think Energy Star is a well-documented and respected brand. It doesn’t matter what it being certified, just having Energy Star on there earns a certain level of respect and truth. Customers recognize that.