InsideTrack: SGI about to launch a new product for SMB

This morning’s RSS feed from SGI has provided what I’m assuming is an unintentional early peek at SGI’s next product. The headline in the RSS feed is

SGI logoSGI Announces Origin 400 Blade System for SMB and Enterprise Markets

There isn’t an article linked to the headline, though, and no word of the product is currently on SGI’s web site. Of course Origin 400 is a decade-old product name, so this could have just been a server glitch that pulled an old article.

Except it isn’t. While I haven’t heard back from SGI officially, sources inside the company have confirmed for me that SGI is indeed launching a new product, and recycling the name (as they did with the recent Octane announcement).

SGI’s Origin 400 is a new project that was developed within the company under the codename ‘Clearbay.’ The product isn’t scheduled for launch March 16, so I’m guessing that SGI’s PR machine or web monkey is going to get a talking to about this.

The information we have right now is that the Origin 400 a 6U form factor with  6 blades each having 2 sockets, and 2 RAID storage pools integrated as a NAS.

We’ll update the story as more information comes in.


  1. […] InsideTrack: SGI about to launch a new product for SMB | […]

  2. […] InsideTrack: SGI about to launch a new product for SMB | […]

  3. […] Enterprise Markets” and unfortunately didn’t link through to a valid article.Over at InsideHPC, John West has managed to dig up some more details – it should be a 6u form factor box, with […]

  4. […] week, John West had a peek at a new SGI product via an accidental RSS headline.  Well, he was right.  SGI today announced […]