Petascale internships with Blue Waters

Found via Twitter, news of the call for the National Computational Science Institute’s (NCSI) Undergraduate Petascale Education Program. From the website

The NCSA Blue Waters project, in collaboration with the National Computational Science Institute (NCSI) and national HPC programs, is launching a coordinated effort to prepare current and future generations of students with the computational thinking skills, knowledge and commitment to advance scientific computing through the use of high performance computing (HPC) resources and environments.

…To achieve these goals, the Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Education Program (uPEP) is launching three programs for engaging the national community. The three programs are:

  • Undergraduate Materials Development by undergraduate faculty
  • Professional Development Workshops for undergraduate faculty
  • Research Experiences for undergraduates

Information on the various calls as well as applications and instructions can be found at the link above.