This just in from SC10, news that the 4th annual Student Cluster Challenge is now accepting submissions.
In this real-time, non-stop 46-hour challenge, teams of six undergraduate or high school students design and assemble a small cluster on the SC exhibit floor and race to complete the greatest number of applications runs. The added catch is that teams will be required to run workloads on the same power needed to run only three coffee makers.
…After the starting gun at SC10, teams will compete to achieve the best HPCC benchmark performance and maximum throughput of accurate applications runs, all while remaining at or below their energy budget. …Teams also compete to impress SC participants and judges with visualizations, presentations, and interviews. The team from Stony Brook University, NY, won the SC09 Student Cluster Competition, sponsored by AMD, Dell and Mellanox Technologies.
Fun! The deadline for submissions is April 16 at