Yotta Yotta IP features in Gelsinger's plan from EMC

Stacey Higginbotham at GigaOm is reporting this week on Pat Gelsinger’s vision (fresh off 30 years at Intel) for EMC’s to virtualize and federate storage on a global scale

Pat Gelsinger, who moved to EMC late last year after 30 years at Intel, is stirring things up at the storage giant with a plan to virtualize and federate storage so data and compute can truly be linked together…Gelsinger’s answer is caching. Imagine a two-way content delivery network built on EMC appliances that tracks and replicates changes made to data at one node and then pushes them out to all the other nodes as quickly as possible. Gelsinger calls this freeing the information from physical storage, but it sounds more like making sure your information is in a bunch of different physical storage containers. He mentions EMC’s acquisition of intellectual property from Yotta Yotta as offering the breakthrough required to build this technology.

I still have the orange Yotta Yotta balls from when they were at SC (what was is, SC07? SC08?). More in Stacey’s post, but I sure would love the infrastructure to do this. I’d have loved for my users to have a single (apparent) filesystem no matter where in the country they were running.