AccelerEyes Upgrades Jacket

The folks at AccelerEyes have announced a new version of their Jacket software suite is now available.  The new version [1.3] includes specific features and enhancements after heavy collaboration with users.  AccelerEyes has also partnered with EM Photonics to extend the Jacket product family to support double precision linear algebra by integrating CULA tools to the platform.

Our ability to integrate CULA tools into the Jacket product family not only allows AccelerEyes to broaden the functionality we an deliver to our customers but demonstrates the extensibility of Jacket to incorporate a broad set of functions and libraries or many types of applications,” said John Melonakos, CEO of AccelerEyes.

In addition, Jacket 1.3 makes it easier for users to install, setup, and configure Jacket on both Windows and Linux platforms. The CUDA toolkit is now prepackaged with Jacket. Jacket automatically ensures prerequisite software is installed and provides automated license activation for Windows systems This release supports MATLAB 2010A as well as previous versions of MATLAB back to R2006B. Together, these improvements enable researchers to get right to work on science, engineering, and analytics versus spending time in system configuration steps.

For more info, read the full release here.