TPC announces second performance evaluation tech conference

The Transaction Processing Performance Council has announced that the second Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC 2010) will be held this fall in Singapore, collocated with the 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases.

Selected papers will be presented during the conference, published in conference proceedings in print and electronic formats, and may be considered for future benchmark developments. Researchers and industry experts are encouraged to submit novel ideas and methodologies in performance evaluation, measurement and characterization in the following areas: appliance, business intelligence, cloud computing, complex event processing, data compression, database optimizations, disaster tolerance and recovery, energy and space efficiency, green computing, hardware innovations, high speed data generation, hybrid workloads, software management and maintenance, unstructured data management, virtualization, very large memory systems, lessons learned in using TPC workloads and enhancements to TPC workloads.

C. Mohan, IBM Fellow at IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, will be the keynote speaker. The deadline for abstract submission is June 5, 2010 and check out for more info.