Late last week SGI announced that the French Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif (GENCI) has signed up to add new gear to their HPC stable
The organization’s new SGI Altix ICE installation called JADE is located at France’s National Computer Center for Higher Education (CINES). It is being used by researchers in diverse scientific disciplines, including climatology and sustainable development, space and aeronautical research, energy exploration, industrial research, and life and materials sciences.
The SGI Altix ICE supercomputer connects to “RENATER”, the French high-speed network, and to European community infrastructures to provide quick and expanded access to data that scientists and engineers need to accelerate results throughout French and European research ecosystems. With 2,688 quad-core Intel® Xeon® processors, for a total of 10,752 cores, and 48TB of system memory, Altix ICE delivers up to 120 TFLOPS and features almost 50TB of distributed memory.
According to SGI, GENCI will use the new system for climatology, astrophysics, alternative energy research, and life and materials sciences. The new installation brings the total resources available at CINES to s 267 TFLOPS (peak) and 750TB of attached storage.