Lehigh hosts fifth HPC day

The Brown and White reported on Friday last week on Lehigh fifth annual High Performance Computing Day

The purpose of the day was to “expose a broad aspect of the University, students, faculty and staff, to high performance computing,” Brandon Leeds, senior computing consultant for High Performance Computing and coordinator of the HPC day, said.

The events included programming workshops and research talks by faculty and researchers.

…John Urbanic from the Pittsburg Supercomputing Center led a technical workshop on understanding larger components of computer systems and applying them to make programs.

Even if one is just reading journals and research in his field, he needs “to understand how the best codes out there function,” according to Urbanic. Delaney agreed “you could have an audience, and the audience could be the internet.” There is a growing importance of the internet and media.

In reading this it occurred to me that this might be an effective way to spread the local word about the value of HPC. Anyone else out there doing this sort of thing?