New HPC integrator launching in UK [UPDATED]

We received word over the email transom today of a new HPC-focused division of UK-based Integrex.  Integrex is a provider of electronic and IT solutions that sells mostly into education (all levels), government, aerospace, and manufacturing — I’m sure that someone there noticed that these are also the big customers in HPC, and connected the dots.

According to the company their plan is to offer “turn key” HPC clusters to education and research — the quotes around “turn key” are mine, not theirs, and signify my general belief that it is the rare HPC cluster indeed that works out of the box, no matter how many keys have been turned.

Integrex will be offering hardware from the two major chip vendors based on Platform’s software

The new division focuses specifically on providing turn-key cluster solutions to the UK academic market place. Solutions are based on the Platform cluster management solution and leading edge processor technologies from both INTEL (sic) and AMD.

It is always good news when a new company throws its hat into the HPC ring, although the UK does seem to have more than its share of HPC integrators. I wonder what’s going on there in particular that makes HPC such an interesting business?

[Updated on 05062010]

Just received word by email that Integrex HPC’s website is now live.