SGI Partners with Irish Centre for GPGPU Computing

SGI announced today that they have partnered with the Irish Centre for High-End Computing [ICHEC] to provide customers with GPGPU compute services.  ICHEC will work exclusively with SGI to help the SGI customer base accelerate the development of GPU applications.

SGI logoMore users are beginning to turn to GPGPU systems to gain a competitive advantage in a wider range of fields,” said Peter Luff, professional services director at SGI. “This partnership with ICHEC will offer a broad range of consultancy services – including proof-of-concept development, benchmarking, porting and training — enabling businesses to accelerate the development, implementation and roll-out of GPGPU systems.”

Founded in 2005, ICHEC was established as a national high performance computing (HPC) provider with offices in Dublin and Galway, Ireland. Its team of system administrators and computational scientists work with researchers to support the development of internationally competitive computational modeling and research across a variety of disciplines and institutions. In the past year, ICHEC has established a significant team of researchers focused primarily on porting applications on GPGPU architecture.

Our focus has been placed firmly on developing new algorithms capable of exploiting the considerable power of GPGPUs. For example, recent results from our port of the DL_POLY MD application suggest that this technology has indeed the potential to make HPC accessible to a broader audience. We expect similar success with our ongoing port of Quantum Espresso,” said James Slevin, director of ICHEC. “By partnering with SGI, ICHEC will provide business, scientific and academic customers with a high level of consultancy to support the development of effective computing solutions.”

For more info, check out the ICHEC GPU projects page here.