CAPS adds Fermi, OpenCL to HMPP workbench

This week the French tools company CAPS-Entreprise announced a major revision to their flagship directive-based compiler technology HMPP (Heterogeneous Multicore Parallel Programming) workbench. The announcement includes news that they are shipping support for Fermi (announced back in November) and have added the ability to generate OpenCL code

CAPS is pleased to announce the availability of an OpenCL code generator within the just released 2.3 version of its HMPP directive-based hybrid compiler. Also, the CUDA back-end generator has been enhanced with Fermi capabilities and this new release brings support for more native compilers with Intel ifort/icc, GNU gcc/gfortran and PGI pgcc/pgfort compilers, enabling developers to freely use their favorite compiler with HMPP 2.3.

Based on GPU programming and tuning directives, HMPP offers an incremental programming model that allows developers with different levels of expertise to fully exploit GPU hardware accelerators in their legacy code.