LSU's CCT introduces undergrads to computational science

LSU’s Center for Computation and Technology (the home to HPC Rock Star Thomas Sterling) is doing Good in the world this summer by introducing a load of undergrads to the noble art of computational science. The program at the LSU campus in Baton Rouge began on May 31 and will run 9 weeks

LSU LogoDuring this program, 15 college students from Puerto Rico, Illinois, Ohio, New York, Florida, Arkansas, Missouri, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Louisiana will collaborate with CCT faculty and staff on advanced computational research projects.

…During the summer, these students will work with the faculty and research staff at CCT,
learning how to use the cutting-edge cyberinfrastructure on campus to examine various science phenomena such as gravitational waves that result from colliding black holes, explore new materials for energy storage or revolutionary electronic devices, or to design new kinds of physical interaction devices to extend computer visualizations.

The NSF’s REU program is a venerable institution. I remember helping out with REU’s when I was a grad student at MSU’s ERC for NFS back in the early 90s.