This week from ISC Cray has announced that Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology has added a new 93 TFLOPS XT6m (that’s the scaled down version of Cray’s XT6 big boy line of supers) at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). The purchase is part of a national plan by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) broaden access to HPC.
As an aside, this purchase makes Sweden part of a growing trend of countries making significant national commitments to grow their computing infrastructure. That list also includes many of the larger countries in Europe (with the PRACE effort), China (with their new #2 super and a shot at #1 in November), Russia (national HPC program for businesses).
Anyway, from the Cray announement
The new Cray XT6m supercomputer, which uses the new 12-core AMD Opteron(TM) 6100 Series processor, will support scientists in a wide range of disciplines, including computational chemistry, bioinformatics, molecular dynamics, computational fluid dynamics and other areas.
“The Cray XT6m system is an integrated supercomputing solution that will provide Swedish scientists with unprecedented capabilities for increased scientific productivity,” said Dr. Erwin Laure, director of the PDC Center for High Performance Computing. “The new supercomputer will allow users to run larger and more complex problems with higher resolution than was possible with our previous computing resources.”
“We are very excited that PDC/KTH has selected Cray,” said Dr. Ulla Thiel, Cray vice president, Europe. “We are proud to welcome this prestigious institution to the growing community of Cray customers in Europe. The Cray XT6m supercomputer has been a huge success with top European research institutions that need a higher performing and more tightly integrated production system than commodity clusters can offer.”
I’d love to play on that supercomputer…