Fixstars Releases YDL for CUDA

Fixstars announced the release of a new version of their Yellow Dog Linux distribution.  This version is optimized with tools specifically for GPU computing.  Yellow Dog Linux for NVIDIA CUDA v6.2.1 bundles NVIDIA’s CUDA SDK 3.1 and package updates from RHEL/Centos 5.5.  Many other bug fixes also come with this release, including updates for Fixstars’ CUDA Plugin for Eclipse.

From their release mail:

The LiveDVD will allow both new and experienced Linux and CUDA users to quickly and easily evaluate the bundled NVIDIA drivers and CUDA toolkits including 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, as well as the recently released 3.1. The LiveDVD includes Fixstars’ CUDA Plugin for Eclipse, enabling end users to start writing their first CUDA-optimized application or easily migrate their CUDA development to Linux from other platforms.

Users and developers can download YDL for CUDA free of charge here.  For more info on the new release, check it out here.