PGI releases Fortran for Visual Studio

Today The Portland Group announced PGI Visual Fortran for Visual Studio 2010.

PGI logo“With this latest release of PVF, PGI Fortran compilers and tools for multi-core processors and GPUs are available through Visual Studio 2010 to the large base of scientists and engineers developing for Windows,” said Douglas Miles, director, The Portland Group. “PVF’s world-class performance and state-of-the art compiler technologies allow developers to leverage the wide array of new microprocessor and accelerator innovations coming out of Intel, AMD and NVIDIA together with the productivity advantages of Microsoft HPC technologies.”

PGI Visual Fortran is based on PGI’s native OpenMP and auto-parallelizing compiler for the Fortran 95/2003 programming languages.

Key features include:

  • Native Fortran 95/2003 Visual Studio project system;
  • Fortran text editor extensions, intrinsic function tips and keyword completion;
  • Integrated PGI-custom Fortran-capable debugger for debugging of single-thread, multi-thread and OpenMP parallel applications and MSMPI parallel applications running locally and on clusters;
  • Microsoft Visual C++ interoperability and full support for Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005; and
  • Optional support for the Visual Numerics IMSL Fortran Numerical Library and the Intel MKL Math Kernel Library.

This release also incorporates PGI’s Accelerator programming model (I wrote in detail about this here)

The PGI Accelerator programming model is a high-level implicit model similar to OpenMP for multi-core x64 systems.  Using compiler directives, programmers can offload compute-intensive code regions from a host CPU to a GPU accelerator. Programs containing PGI Accelerator directives remain 100% standard-compliant and portable. PVF also supports CUDA Fortran language extensions. Defined in cooperation with NVIDIA, CUDA Fortran is an analog to the NVIDIA CUDA C compiler and gives expert programmers direct control of all aspects of GPGPU programming.

PVF is available starting today from $249 for academic users, and from $599 for commercial licenses.