SC10 registration and tech program live

The folks over at SC10 are staying busy this summer: they’ve just opened the conference registration site and the tech program schedule is up now as well.

SC10 logo“We are very excited about the quality of material that will be presented during this year’s Technical Program,” said Ricky Kendall, Scientific Computing Group Leader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and SC10 Technical Program Chair. “We hope that our multiple venues that present important areas of HPC work and research will give SC10 participants a variety of content to review and consider during the conference.”

(NB: Ricky is one of our rock stars of HPC.) The conference continues to be a tough one to get into; this year of 253 paper submissions, only 51 were accepted.

Each year, the technical program highlights specific areas. For SC10, the technological thrust areas that will be featured prominently at the conference are climate simulation, heterogeneous computing and data‐intensive computing.

SC10 is also featuring 13 full- and half-day workshops, on topics ranging from clouds in HPC to ultrascale visualization, and 33 tutorials. Much more info at the links above.