The European Exascale Software Initiative (EESI) is building a European vision (contrast this with the international vision of the IESP) and roadmap to address the software and applications challenges that exascale (and other extreme scale computers) will present.
According to the EESI’s website, “coordination with the International Exascale Software Project (IESP) launched by The Department Of Energy (Office of Science), National Science Foundation and Department Of Defense is planned,” and the leadership of the International Exascale Software Project is expected to be involved with the EESI.
From workshop announcement:
The initial international workshop is a one day event and will take place in Amsterdam in the Netherlands on November 9, 2010 and will start with a get-together on the evenening before on November 8, 2010. The workshop will gather input from both European HPC projects and initiatives, as well as from IESP and its international contacts. After some contextual introduction sessions about the European and international HPC, most of the sessions will be dedicated to the general presentation of the EESI workplan and foreseen objectives, the implementation of the WGs and the methodology used within these groups.
More information available at the web site.