New Workbench to Speed Development of HPC Apps

NCSA has been awarded a three-year, NSF grant of $1.4 million to develop an open-source “Workbench for HPC Applications.” The goal is to provide a powerful, yet usable development environment that will improve the way experts develop, debug, optimize, and run their science and engineering applications on big supers.

The team plans to build on the open-source Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform (Eclipse PTP), enhancing it to address completeness, scalability, debugging, integration, and specific platform issues, making it the preferred way to manage computational science and engineering code development, particularly for the world’s largest computing systems. NCSA plans to use W-HPC on the Blue Waters supercomputer, an IBM POWER7 system that will tackle grand-challenge science and engineering problems.

The team for this project will be lead by NCSA’s Jay Alameda—with co-principal investigators Steven Brandt at Louisiana State University, Allen Maloney at the University of Oregon, and Marc Snir at the University of Illinois, and assisted by Greg Watson, the Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform project leader at IBM.