Rocky Mountain Super Center Welcomes New Board Member

The Rocky Mountain Supercomputing Center announced a new member to their Board of Directors.  Susan L. Baldwin, Executive Director of Compute Canada, was named to the board.

Susan is an excellent addition to the RMSC Board because she shares our vision of bringing High Performance Computing technology to small- and medium-sized businesses,” said Earl J. Dodd, RMSC Executive Director.

RMSC and the State of Montana have seized the leadership position in harnessing HPC technology as an economic driver that makes businesses more competitive in the global market place,” said Susan Baldwin.

Under Baldwn’s direction, Compute Canada has integrated HPC resources from seven partner consortia across Canada to create a powerful and dynamic computational resource.  Compute Canada and the university-based regional HPC consortia provide for overall architecture and planning, software integration, operations and management, and coordination of user support for the national HPC platform.

Congrats to RMSC and Susan Baldwin.  For more info, read their full release here.