There are a number of great sources out there for news on Cloud Computing, and I particularly like what Nicole Hemsoth is doing over at HPC in the Cloud. So when I read about a new blog on Government Clouds I immediately pedalled over to check it out.
CloudGovTalk editor Tim Harder of EMC states his mission simply:
Looking at the trends in data storage, it’s becoming very plain to see that data is quickly outpacing the amount of storage that organizations have in their data centers. Every day, the amount of information increases, and we’ve reached a point where implementing a cloud infrastructure to meet these demands is an integral part of the organization’s health and success. This is especially true in the public sector, where an exponentially increasing amount of records, information and data needs to be shared, stored and analyzed for agencies and government entities that are spread out across wide areas. I launched GovCloudTalk to provide IT leaders and decision makers in the federal government with a forum where they can find useful information about the cloud and answers to their agencies’ cloud computing questions.
In a time when President Obama is pushing to consolidate government datacenters in big way, the need for this kind of focused content is clear. The next datacenter affected might be your own and let’s hope that informed decisions rule the day.
Keep up the good work, Tim. Starting a blog may be easy, but let me tell you that keeping it going can be a bear.