Vectayn Standardizes Virtual Design With Altair's HyperWorks

Altair Engineering announced last week that the U.K.’s Vectayn group is using the HyperWorks/HyperMesh software as the default model creation tool for all of its new automotive, aerospace and military projects:

I’ve been in the industry for a long time and I’ve not yet seen a meshing tool that can equal HyperMesh by a very long margin,” said Matthew Spoor, technical director at Vectayn. “Many providers claim many things about their meshing tools, but as a package, I can’t find a comparable tool. HyperMesh’s midsurfacing capabilities make the development and simulation of complex structures, such as vehicle interior plastics, much less time consuming allowing us to improve the results and service we supply to our clients.”

Vectayn Ltd specializes in high quality predictive analysis, helping companies save money in new product development. With an increasing number of automotive OEMs moving their crash and impact analysis to HyperWork’s RADIOSS solver, Vectayn reportedly followed to match design capabilities and provide a more integrated service for their major clients.