NexCAVE interactive visualization system aids University research
KAUST and UCSD established have developed a 21-panel virtual reality system called NexCAVE, a scalable, interactive 3-D visualization environment made of HDTV micro-polarized JVC LCD flat-screens forming an arch-shaped section of a sphere.
Projectors are inherently hard to align and keep aligned in these kinds of CAVE environments, but the NexCAVE panels’ left- and right-eye images are automatically aligned, which significantly reduces eye fatigue. The NexCAVE system is well suited for faculty and students to review and manipulate 3D data of all kinds.
A tip of the hat goes out to Vizworld for pointing us to this story.
To me one of the key point of a CAVE is immersion. While I see the benefits of this system (alignment, brightness), I don’t think the display bezels are acceptable for true VR.