Society of HPC Professionals Meetup Nov. 3 in Houston

The Society of High Performance Computing Professionals (SHPCP) will conduct its Fall Technology Meeting on November 3, 2010. A non-profit organization based in Texas, SHPCP was established in 2009 to address the use, availability, and evaluation of existing and emerging technologies in the HPC community.

The morning program for the meeting will be highlighted by a Keynote Address given by Ms. Susan Baldwin, Executive Director, Compute/Calcul Canada; A Plenary Session will follow with Mr. Addison Snell, CEO, Intersect 360, discussing Technology Trends in HPC and Mr. Earl Dodd, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Supercomputing Centers, Inc., presenting Leading Edge HPC Technology in use today.

SHPCP membership is open to all HPC professionals serving all industries. If you are interested in participating in the Society’s efforts to provide an organization that truly serves the needs of the HPC Community, you are invited to contact them at their site.