Webinar: Eliminating Complexity in Managing GPU Clusters

This week Bright Computing announced that James River Technical will sell and support Bright Cluster Manager. James River focuses on the Education space, and this is looks like a good move for Bright Computing as the company seeks to gain traction for its Linux cluster management software.

As part of this new collaboration, James River will host a Nov. 10 webinar on Eliminating Complexity in Managing GPU Clusters. Topics include:

  • Key challenges in managing GPU clusters
  • Two models of GPU management: Tool-kit vs. Single Solution
  • How to configure a GPU system from “bare-metal” to functioning, high-performance cluster in less than one hour
  • How to scale to thousands of nodes, including systems comprising a mixture of GPUs and CPUs
  • How to seamlessly switch between CUDA versions

For more information on how to register, check out the James River webinar page.


  1. I used Bright when I built my cluster. I must admit, I did it more for intellectual curiosity than need. I was surprised and impressed with how easy and capable it is, and have continued to use it as a management tool. It has taken away my pain.