Video: SC10 Analyst Crossfire Program is Must-See TV


In this wrap-up video from SC10, Addison Snell from Intersect360 Research moderates a panel discussion on the latest developments in HPC with two industry experts and two supercomputing center directors. Recorded November 19, 2010 at SC10 in New Orleans.

Having trouble viewing? The Vimeo hosting page has a download link in the lower right corner (it varies based on your geography).


  • Michael Wolfe, Engineer, The Portland Group, Inc.
  • Peter ffoulkes, VP of Marketing, Adaptive Computing
  • Addison Snell, CEO, Intersect360 Research
  • Jay Boisseau, Director, Texas Advanced Computing Center
  • Thomas Sterling, Professor, Lousiana State University


  • Tianhe and GPU computing: What is China’s global role? Will the U.S. respond? Is GPU computing the architecture of the future for HPC? Intel MIC vs. NVIDIA in 2012? Does AMD matter?
  • Reaching new HPC users: Some call it the “missing middle.” Is there an opportunity to bring HPC to more users in entry-level and midrange. Supply chain. What needs to be done to enable it?
  • File systems: How important are parallel file systems? Handicap the field: GPFS, Lustre, pNFS, Panasas, etc.

Speed round:

  • Windows in HPC – its role?
  • Cloud computing – its role?
  • Highlights and disappointments from SC10?


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  2. […] Video: SC10 Analyst Crossfire Program is Must-See TV […]


  1. Pick up an NVidia card, look at where it’s made “China”. No surprise that China is taking the lead when the US has a good proportion of it’s Super Computing components built there. Sure the R&D may be done in the US but China has always been great at reverse engineering products. Looking at this they have applied some similar principles from what they’ve learned from producing these cards. Glad to see some mix up at the top and I’m sure only good will come out of the US/China battle for #1 on the top500.