This week ScaleMP announced the 200th customer for their vSMP Foundation software, which supports aggregation of up to 128 servers into a single virtual SMP system. The company noted increasing momentum for the product, with growing levels of repeat business and sales more than tripling for the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to the same quarter last year.
Repeat customers expanding their ScaleMP deployments include RWTH Aachen University in Germany, who recently announced plans to deploy a 512-core virtual shared-memory system using 64 sockets of Intel Nehalem-EX processors with 4TB of shared memory.
Our research requires a shared-memory programming model, such as OpenMP, and a computer system that can scale to the highest degree. vSMP Foundation allows us to achieve a high level of scaling, coupled with the flexibilities and cost advantages of a software platform,” said Dieter an Mey, head of the HPC Team at RWTH Aachen’s Center for Computing and Communication. “We want to increase the productivity of our scientists by providing a platform for shared-memory programming for applications which cannot easily be mapped onto a standard cluster configuration. Particularly for adaptive and irregular algorithms, the virtual-SMP approach offers a highly interesting solution. One focus of our research will be the analysis of simulation output data and pre-processing for displaying simulation results in a virtual reality environment.”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by insideHPC, greg schulz. greg schulz said: RT @insideHPC: Just in: ScaleMP On a Roll 200+ Customers <-These guys r positioned well 4 virt life beyond consolidate […]